Monday, July 13, 2009

Curious list #1: Homosexuality 101

The past coupla weeks have been crazier than daffy duck on speed! I don't even know where to begin... as a matter of fact, I think I'd rather NOT begin! Suffice it to say that in the land of fools, cowards and bitch made punks I reign supreme! I shall say no more today... Tis the first opportunity I've had to spend some much needed quality time with myself and that's precisely what I intend on doing. Today I will be random and by the way, tomorrow I will whine, wail, curse and complain.

As I believe I've mentioned before, I've been 'straight' all my life and have only recently allowed the true nature of my concupiscence to prevail. Concordantly, I pretty much have had zero interaction with anyone gay. and i know close to nothing about it.
I've carried out intense and exhaustive research but, well..., gay porn just doesnt have the answers to most of my questions.
I'm writing today cuz Im hoping that yalls might...I ask that you forgive me my blonde ignorance though.

So, here's my FIRST curious list:

1-How and where do I begin?
2-How does one generally go about meeting guys in Nairobi?
3-What and whom should I be wary of?
3-Should I do the chatting up or expect to be chatted up?
4-Is it sufficient to trust my gaydar or are there other ways to tell if a bloke is gay?
5-Should I hope that I naturally send out 'gay vibes' or are there certain things
i should do to (for lack of a better phrase)-put myself out there?
6-What are the basics that I need to learn?
7-which are the cool pro-gay clubs in nairobi?
8-is it alright to meet guys in clubs anyway?
9-I find that Im attracted to only a specific sort of dude... this is normal isn't it?
10-SEX: how now?
11-SEX: what are the must do's and don't ever's?
12-Will I inevitably develop certain effeminate traits or can I just stay me?
13-Is there a gay community in kenya? How's it stratified? socially/economically/agewise?
14-any other must knows?


  1. brother!out there its a jungle or sharks infested sea!u tread carefully.otherwise u will b mauled alive but again u have no option,u have to venture out.seem we share some similarities.some of us have zero interaction gay men cos we may b coward cos of the deep hole of status we are in.good luck!supai

  2. Dude... you have words.. do you actually use these in language? concupiscence?Concordantly?

    Anyway, you have asked a lot of questions...As one who is experienced in these matters, Can I answer these as a post on my blog? I will link back here so that one can follow them.


  3. Man...those are alot well put well thought out questions....
    I guess only GNM(Gay Nairobi Man) can adequetly and thoroughhly answer your questions...he is well put in that department.Its good to learn before you venture out,coz its a wild world out there for new guys like you....coz u've discovered that u are gay at a later age...this wont be easy...but baby footsteps does help...dont rush.

  4. I posted my responses and linked back here.

  5. Hi, nice place! By now only checking but I'll return later.

    Quike micifous

  6. @Supai gr: You're right. I have no choice but to.
    @Gay Nairobi man: You gatsta be one cool dude! I really appreciate you taking the time to help me out. The post and links were quite informative. Its gone a long way in deepening my understanding as well as rekindling my curiosity. Thanks again.
    @Gay Young Kenyan: I totally dig that. To quote interpol.. yeah, pace is the trick.
    @Pater Nostra: will do. But i'm still trying to figure out who I truly am.

  7. I aim to please. I hope you enjoyed gypsys and secrets. I was at the latter on Friday night and had a ball.
